Enter manual URL

This website/service helps you fetch an entire Audi manual from the service. This makes it easier to print or save the manual as a PDF file. This service can be used in several different ways, in a effort to make it as easy to use as possible - below is listed the different methods.

Hint: If you want to convert the generated PDF into a text searchable PDF i recommend using

Do you own an USA/American registered Audi?

You are lucky, go to and enter you VIN number. Once redirected to the manual website( copy (CTRL+C/CMD+C) the entire URL of the website from address field/bar in your browser. Then paste it into the input field above and press the "Fetch"-button. You can also use the Bookmark method, but just skip step 2 and 3.

Bookmark method

  1. Drag this: AUDIPDF
    to the bookmarks bar. If you don't have a bookmark bar then press CTRL+SHIFT+B to show the bookmark bar.
  2. Log into - if you don't have an account, create one using
  3. After login press the "AUDIPDF" bookmark in the bookmarks bar - this will take you back to this page and show any manuals found.

The bookmark method can also be used on the website.

Copy & paste method

  1. Log into - if you don't have an account, create one using
  2. After login press the "To owner’s manual" link and once redirected to the manual website( copy (CTRL+C/CMD+C) the entire URL of the website from address field/bar in your browser.
  3. Paste the data from clipboard (CTRL+V/CMD+V) into the input field above and press the "Fetch"-button.

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